Holiday Meal Prep 10 am-1 pm

épouser06déc10:00 du matinépouser13h00Holiday Meal Prep 10 am-1 pm

Holiday Food Prep Volunteer

Détails de l'évènement

It’s time to give thanks and give back. And that’s just what we are doing! Join us in preparing bags with non-perishable food items to give out to our clients for their holiday dinner. Let’s start the holidays on a joyful note for families who need and deserve a lifting hand.

We are booking up to 4 volunteers for each shift. An adult must accompany children under the age of 16 to help supervise. Please only RSVP for one person per slot. The room we will be working in can’t accommodate several people.

For more information on our holiday meal donation drive and to donate, Cliquez ici.


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