BACN 是一个志愿服务的好地方,因为我们真的很感激我们的每一位志愿者!从在托儿所照顾我们的孩子,到筹款或社区赠品活动,再到希望在一天中回馈社区的团体,我们欢迎您。
请注意: 我们不为法院命令的社区服务提供志愿者机会。
Thanksgiving Prep (Opportunity Filled)
This holiday season, join us in spreading joy and gratitude by helping prepare Thanksgiving dinner bags for families in need. Let's make a positive impact and start the holidays on a joyful note!
Volunteers will help assemble meal bags filled with delicious ingredients for Thanksgiving dinners and pass them on to clients. We will accept 3 volunteers per shift. Adults must accompany children under 16 for supervision. You can only sign up for 1 shift per opportunity.
To learn more about donating food, please visit our 节日餐食 page.
Volunteering Dates:
Dates: Nov 18, 20, 22, & 25, 2024
Shift Times: 1 - 4 pm
Location: 1510 Mendocino Dr, Concord
Holiday Helpers
Thank you so much for your interest in supporting our holiday giving season! We truly appreciate your willingness to help and be part of this wonderful community effort.
We wanted to let you know that while you are welcome to apply for multiple shifts, each volunteer will only be assigned to one shift due to limited space and the number of opportunities available. This will help ensure that everyone has a chance to participate and that we can accommodate more applicants.
Please also note that each shift is limited to four volunteers only, so we encourage you to sign up early for your preferred time. Unfortunately, we're unable to accommodate large groups of volunteers, but we hope there will still be plenty of opportunities for everyone to get involved!
Holiday Helpers will lend a hand by sorting food and gift donations, preparing holiday dinner bags for clients, and ensuring gifts are properly labeled for each child.
Please note that we do not wrap gifts for clients during these opportunities.
Volunteering Dates:
Dates: Weekdays Dec 9 - 20
Shift Times: 10 am - 1 pm or 1 - 4 pm
Location: 1510 Mendocino Dr, Concord
Crab Feed Committee Volunteers Volunteering is a fantastic way to join the party. Please help make this important fundraising event an amazing success. This is one of the most fun events for volunteers. It is high-energy, high-impact, and high-demand! Volunteers serve on the committee or at the event. There are a wide variety of opportunities to fit your schedule and interest. We’re looking for:
- 活动委员会主席
- 酒吧椅
- 无声拍卖椅
- 志愿者主席
- 甜点拍卖椅
- 促销及售票椅
- 和委员会成员支持我们投掷镇上最好的螃蟹饲料!
If you are interested in being a Crab Feed Committee Volunteer, please fill out this survey.
BACN 董事会
查看职位描述 这里.
儿童保育志愿者 - 即将推出
- All volunteers must be at least 18 years old.
- 您必须完成结核病检测、指纹识别和背景调查以及健康声明。
- 承诺每周至少一次轮班 3 小时,持续至少一年。
- 在托儿所与儿童一起工作之前,请先完成 20 小时的在线培训。
- 志愿者必须持有有效的儿童保育人员急救和心肺复苏证书,并每年完成 20 小时的培训才能继续从事志愿服务。
如果您有兴趣成为儿童保育志愿者,请 sign up for our newsletter to receive updates of the re-opening of the program.