感谢您考虑将您的物品捐赠给 BACN。 请打电话 托儿所看看我们是否接受捐赠。有时,我们的存储空间会因您的所有善意捐赠而填满。
我们接受: clean and gently used toys (to prevent any possible choking hazards please be sure small toys are secured in a bag), children’s equipment, diapers, non-expired baby food and formula, unopened diapers, books in good condition, puzzles and games (please tape boxes to ensure small pieces are kept inside), gently worn children’s clothing, and children’s shoes.
We can’t accept: furniture, cribs, strollers, bathtubs, bedding, crib mattresses, diaper genies, fast food toy giveaways, housewares, and stuffed animals.
Please note that we are also unable to accept car seats, jumpers, walkers, bouncers, swings, high chairs, or breast pumps due to laws restricting their re-use.
Rite Aid Kids Cents
通过参加 KidCents,wellness+ 奖励会员可以将每次购买的商品四舍五入到最接近的美元,让幼儿园的孩子们有机会过上更好的生活和更光明的未来。
